Silla Giratoria Antigua


Silla de oficina giratoria de los finales del siglo XIX con altura regulable.
Estructura de madera de Roble.
Asiento y respaldo con su rejilla de mimbre original.

Ancho – 54 cm
Fondo – 60 cm
Altura total – regulable de 103 a 113 cm
Altura asiento – regulable de 40 a 50 cm
(English below)


Swivel office chair from the end of the 19th century with adjustable height.
Oak wood structure.
Seat and back with its original wicker mesh.

Width – 54cm
Depth – 60 cm
Total height – adjustable from 103 to 113 cm
Seat height – adjustable from 40 to 50 cm

Peso45 kg